Q. May I apply for a Sawyer Scholarship if I am already in college?
A. Yes, as long as you are enrolled.
Q. May I apply for the Sawyer Scholarship if I plan to attend a community college in the fall?
A. Yes. Scholarship applicants must be planning to pursue a bachelor's degree, but students who plan to begin their degree program at a two-year college are welcome to apply.
Q. Do I have to send an official transcript?
A. Yes. If you cannot obtain an official transcript from your school, you can send an unofficial transcript with your application. However, if you are selected as a finalist, you will be required to submit an official transcript.
Q. May I apply for the Sawyer Scholarship if I don't live in the Washington, DC area?
A. Yes. The Sawyer Scholarship is available to students throughout the Washington DC metropolitan area.
Q. Is the scholarship renewable?
A. Yes. Scholarship awardees can reapply each year provided that they meet specific eligibility requirements.
Q. Am I automatically considered for a teacher high-school internship when I apply for a scholarship?
A. No. There is no Sawyer intern program.
Q. Why should I send a thank you letter to a donor?
A. Similar to you thanking people for a gift you receive, it is customary to send a thank you letter to the organization who provided the scholarship. Without their help, you may not have had sufficient money to fund your education. Why run the risk of jeopardizing future donations for you and others.